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Protected: January Update & 2013 Committee Election Results
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December 2012 Update
May I start by wishing you all a Happy New Year from The 2012.1 Lapta Pines Committee
December update – based on information received from Site Coordinator Karen and those currently on site:
Gardener has been involved in a sport accident and so has fallen behind this month. The shortfall in service will be deducted from his fee and Karen will be speaking with him regarding the need to backfill during any absence.
Leaf blower cash held by the gardener has now been offset against his December fee as committee decided to cancel the purchase.
Completed Works for Communal Areas:
Road repair required to stop flooding after rain at site of communal bins / D Block now complete and receiving excellent feedback. Photo attached of before and after albeit the after picture was taken before the work was fully complete – will forward completed photo when received
Broken drain cover outside I Block replaced the day after it was reported
6 dead fruit trees replaced and looking very healthy
Private gardeners and one owner (B Block) still dumping rubbish at the roadside and failing to have it cleared by the council. Don’t know what else to say about this as those concerned clearly have little or no regard for the rest of us.
On a slightly happier not, the private garden bougainvillea trees reported overhanging the outer roadside pathway (B & C Block area) in Nov have now been cut back by our gardener. This was a one off act with no additional charge as it was an accident just waiting to happen to some poor passer by and so Karen arranged for it be undertaken. Going forward, please could we ask that those of you with garden apartments to keep an eye on your bourgies as they are lovely but quite dangerous when let grow too large.
Looks good with no problems reported.
No update – awaiting costs from Treasurer.
Costing process complete – awaiting committee discussions.
As before, four owners (B1, H4 & I2) continue to defy the payment of their invoices leaving the owners fund short in excess of £5,000.
Password pa55word
The 2013 Committee election is now launched by this update with voting deadline of the 16th Jan and outcome announcement 31st Jan ~ rules within email attachment. There are several vacancies to fill as it is with regret that I announce that our Chairman Mike Foley and Treasurer Brian Dusart have decided not to stand this time round. I would like to personally thank them both for the service and support that they have both given to us, the owners, over the past six years – yes, six years!
Feedback, as always, very welcome.
(Pines Secretary)
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November 2012 Update
Hi All
End of November update – based on information received from Site Coordinator Karen and others currently on site:
Gardener has now caught up with the maintenance of the garden but not the outer areas. Chairman to write Terms of Reference for gardener as it is thought this was missed from the original work specification.
Gardener has made good use of the strimmer purchased for the site in October but unfortunately we have seen no sign yet of the leaf blower that he was also paid for at this time, committee pursuing an explanation.
Quotes for communal improvements:
- Two quotes for a water well are with the committee and are still awaiting discussion
- Refinery replacement cost with Treasurer awaiting disclosure to the committee
- Road repair required to stop flooding after rain at site of communal bins / D Block – estimates received by committee and now awaiting decision from Treasurer of affordability – current state of area is shown in this image taken on the 5th December
Private gardeners and one owner (B Block) still dumping rubbish at the roadside and failing to have it cleared by the council. Please, please, those of you with gardeners can you remind them of their duty to dispose of rubbish responsibly. We as owners have spent a significant amount of money on the up keep of the site so having to mention this within every update is frustrating to say the least!
In addition, two gardens with bougainvillea overhanging the outer roadside pathway (B & C Block area), please could you arrange for these to be cut back as they pose a real danger to folk walking past as these bushes do not only whip around in the wind but have very sharp thorns so could cause significant injury. It goes without saying that the cuttings should disposes of…
Looks good with no problems reported.
No update – awaiting costs from Treasurer.
Costing process complete – awaiting committee discussions.
As before, four owners (B1 Vladimir & Nina Ozhgikhina, G3 Adam & Jane Watts, H4 Mark Hellyer & I2 Melanie Partington/ Titiz) continue to defy the payment of their invoices leaving the owners fund short in excess of £5,000.
Password pa55word
As you will be aware the committee elections are now one month overdue. To speed things along please could you let the current committee know if you are intersted in signing up either as member or wish to stand for key positions of Chair, Secretary or Treasurer. I can tell you from my own experience that if done correctly it is quite time consuming but also quite rewarding.
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October 2012 Update
October update – based on entire month and a bit which includes my recent nine day visit:
Gardener has been on two weeks holiday and so garden has been left unkept. I am however told that it is recovering now that he has returned.
Quotes for a water well, refinery replacement and road repair (primarily the area that floods by bins) still being pursued and once received will be shared with fee paying owners.
Private gardeners, one owner (B Block) and one tenant (D Block) dumping rubbish at the roadside and failing to have it cleared by the council.
Looked and felt good with no problems reported.
No update.
Costing process coming to conclusion.
As before, four owners (B1, F3, H4 & I2) continue to defy the payment of their invoices leaving the owners fund short in excess of £6,000.
Password pa55word
Well that’s it for me ~ feedback as always very welcome.
(Pines Secretary)
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August 2012 Update
August Update – based on time on the island up to 23rd with remainder info from our site suppliers or committee members still on site.
The garden has started to recover after the past few months lack of watering. Some of the trees that were thought to be dead are as advised by the gardener Hussain believed viable to fully recover. The gardener was instructed by the committee to source an electrician to fix to the sprinkler system which was tripping after unloading only one tank of water, fit a wider pipe and filter to help overcome the blockages that were occurring frequently and so stopping the water from entering the tanks, take for repair and service the sprinkler pump and buy and fit two new sprinkler heads. There has also been the purchase of one load of top soil for use to fill the dangerous holes left by the original palm trees by the pool and the trench by A & B block. The soil is to be loaded over the rear wall by digger within the next two weeks.
As always successful watering is dependent on there being enough water in the irrigation tanks, preferably from recycling, but, if not, from tanker top ups. As you will be aware the objective of self management is to save owners money and so the committee are currently in the process of obtaining estimates for the digging of a site well. The aim of the well is to feed the water tanks for the grass watering and the balance tank for the pool. Water as you can imagine, even without the watering of the grass, still costs owners a considerable sum and so the successful implementation of a well will save owners in the first year enough to reduce the water bill by 50 to 75%. While on site I spoke with two suppliers who had both successfully drilled wells for houses on the front. Although optimistic we have to remember that drilling for water is not guaranteed but my view is if you look to the field behind the site reeds grow all year rounds which, I am told, is because we are close to an area where a river once flowed. In addition, this would also explain why the Roman army camped where EB now sits, evidence of which is all now either destroyed by the builders or in the sea.
Finally, I believe that the new gardener will make a real difference to the site as not only has he made a very good start bringing the garden back to life but he is making significant inroads with the refinery repairs, all at cost of parts only.
Despite all looking lovely someone in the vicinity of B Block continues to dump garden rubbish opposite that block at the road side. Garden and builder rubbish was also dumped by the roadside bins opposite D block and so the bins have now been moved back to their original and correct location on our private road behind D Block. You may be aware that the problem with the bins in this location was the puddle that form after rain in the sunken area of road at the entry to the site. The committee hope that once the arrears are collected this work can be put out to tender for permanently fixing.
Looked great until halfway through the month when is started to look murky. The pool company attended on two occasions telling us that the cause was over usage and too much sun cream used by swimmers. At the time when we left the pool was to be ‘flocked’ and so out of service for two days. It has since been reported that after this procedure the pool has continued to be crystal clear, the latest report received yesterday (5th). The pool company have also told us that the pump is not of sufficient size for the pool and so the committee have asked for a quote from the pool company to supply and fit that recommended the cost of which will be communicated in the next update.
Working and obviously making some water of its own but as also stated in the Chairman’s report the refinery is now at a stage where it is becoming very inefficient and maintenance costs based on the periods of paid maintenance have ranged from £150 to £250 per month plus materials. Some further modifications will take place this year but are subject to the collection to arrears of payments.
Despite the recent emails from an owner querying the legalities of fee collection, I am delighted to report that 30 out of 36 owners have either paid their first installment or their whole year’s fees. Clarification of the points raised will be communicated by our Treasurer Brian Dusart imminently.
Fees owing for last year and beyond are published on the Pines Website, http:www.thepinesnorthcyprus.co.uk which will continue to be updated monthly.
It is hoped that self management will be a success and the state of the site will show tangible evidence of this success over the coming months. I intend to air future projects through this update and so inform you of our thoughts and so allow you to have your say. The up and coming projects mentioned, plus the hopeful external painting of the entire site within the next two years are however dependant on the timely collection of funds so you don’t have to be a genius to know that the a_ctions of some of our owners are letting the majority of us down.
Deeds now being released and so most of us are now in possession of our paperwork albeit significantly drained of cash to be so!
Is live and I urge you to use it:
Please be aware that there is still data to be and being added to the site but I am sure you will agree it is already very useful with the latest addition being the publishing by our Treasurer Brian Dusart of the site accounts provides the complete Pines picture and of course full transparency of where your money is being spent.
As always, feedback very welcome.
Best regards,
(Pines Secretary)
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Protected: June 2012 Update
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